Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaner (EAC)
    Introduction About Product
    Q1. What is electrostatic Precipitation Technology?

    Electrostatic precipitators are also called as Electrostatic Air Cleaner or Electronic Air Cleaner (EAC); is a device that uses an electric charge to remove impurities – either solid particles or liquid droplets from the air. It is highly efficient at removing airborne particles like PM 2.5, fungus, dust, pollen, smoke and powerfully deactivates viruses and bacteria.

    “The electronic air cleaner functions by applying energy only to the particulate matter being collected, without significantly impending the flow of air.”

    Q2. How Electronic Air Cleaners (EACs) Work
    • A Honeywell 2-stages Electronic Air Cleaner consists of Pre-filter and Charging-Collection sections.
    • Contaminated air passes through an Aluminium double meshed pre-filter, the contaminants of size PM10 and above are trapped into this filter.
    • In the charging section, a high voltage of 8150 Vdc is applied to form a strong electric field, due to this, the contaminants in air breaks into positively and negatively charged particles i.e. ions.
    • A high voltage of 4075 Vdc is applied in the collection section to form a strong electric field between collector plates. Due to this, the positive and negative ions are collected at negatively and positively charged collector plates respectively.
    • Pure/clean air is obtained.
    Q3. Advantages of Honeywell Electrostatic Air Cleaner (EAC)
    Q4. Features
    f58g / f58h
    Duct mounted commercial electronic air cleaner
    Q5. Technical Information

    Awards for Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaner (EAC's)