Zen NCC Co Powered NBPI Technlology

    Introduction About Product
     Q1. Working Principle of Natural Catalytic Conversion

    UV lamp in presence of photo catalyst (TiO2 ) reacts with rare material in NCC units to convert moisture (H2O2) and Oxygen (O2) in untreated air into highly reactive hydroperoxide (H2O2) and Hydroxyls (+OH).

    These Hydroxyls are small & when they enter HVAC System they neutralize pollutants such as fungi, mold, bacteria, viruses &Voc’s. The final product is Co2 & H2O.

    NCC technologies have been validated in numerous case studies proving the technology drastically reduces fungi, mold, bacteria, viruses & Voc’s.
    Q.2 How does Needle Point Bi-Polar Ionization works (NPBI Unit)?
    Bi-Polar Ionization has already been proven effective against various viruses like SAR's. Covid-19, H1N1 etc.
    Q.3 What is ZEN –NCC + NPBI Unit?

    The factory assembled Zen-NCC+NPBI unit comprises of Hydroxyls and hydroperoxide generating module along with UV lamp and Needle Point Bi-polar Ions generating module as single integrated unit.

    The Zen-NCPBI-K600 and Zen-NCPBI-A400 Units can be easily installed in HVAC ductwork by making a suitable opening in the duct and mount the same by using self-screws on mounting brackets.

    The unit Zen-NCPBI-A402 is wall mount standalone unit which is plug in play device.